Ameson Mesopeel

Ameson Mesopeel is a professional chemical peeling system based on organic acids, aimed at rejuvenating the skin and making it glowing, bright and soft. The AHA's used in Ameson Mesopeel series include mandelic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid.
* Mandelic Acid 40% . . . £45, course of 6 £250
light depth, for all skin types for skin cell regeneration, hydration.
It has a mild chemical peeling effect, which helps prevent irritation and makes it suitable for al skin types. It hydrates the skin, enhances cellular remodelling and reduces skin discolouration. Its antimicrobial action makes Mandelic acid ideal for fighting acne.
This peel can also be combined with the DermaPen treatment, so can be done straight after your DermaPen facial.
A treatment can be done every week.
* Salicylic Azelaic . . . . £60, course of 6 £290
light / medium depth, best for acne, seborrhea, enlarged pores, acne scars.
It has comedolytic, anti-in-flammatory and anti-microbial action effects that help flight acne and pigmentation, thereby reducing discolouration and particular brown spots due to acne.
You do need to prep two weeks prior to having this peel with Prepatory Lotion. A treatment can be done every two weeks.
* Latic Acid 50% . . . £60, course of 6 £290
medium depth, best for sensitive and dry skins, fine lines, dark phototpyes, acne rosacea, pigmentation.
The combination of mild exfoliation, regeneration and hydration that it offers makes it an ideal peeling treatment for sensitive and dehydrated skins and a good choice for skins that undergo chemical peeling for the first time.
You do need to prep two weeks prior to having this peel with Prepatory Lotion. A treatment can be done every two weeks.
* Skin Rejuvenation Course of 6 £290
2 x Mandelic Acid 40%, 1 x Latic Acid 50%, 3 x Glycolic Acid 50%
skin cell regeneration, reduction of fine lines and discolouration, tightening, glow enhancement.
The systematic use of high concentrations of glycolic acid interacts with the fibroblast receptors, thus significantly stimulating the production of intercellular material (collagen, elastin, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid). The skin is therefore rejuvenated and regenerated.
You do need to prep two weeks prior to having this peel with Prepatory Lotion. A treatment can be done every two weeks.